Part 3 Dr. METAZA Guide
In the [Add Material] dialog box, for [Resolution],
enter the same value as the resolution you specified
with the scanner driver when performing scanning.
Type a name of shape.
Creating the Shape Using a Commercial Paint-type Program
You can use a commercial paint-type program to create a shape, then register it with Dr. METAZA.
Vector data cannot be used. Prepare bitmap data that meets the offer conditions.
Number of colors: Binary (black and white)
(Fill the interior of the shape with black, and make other portions white or uncolored.)
Resolution: 203 dpi is recommended.
(When set at 203 dpi, the size specified with the commercial paint program is inherited by Dr. METAZA.
You can specify the size when registering with Dr. METAZA, but in that case the shape is registered
without changing the size.)
File format: BMP or JPEG format
From the [File] menu, click [Add Material] - [File...].
The [Open] dialog box appears.
Use preview to check the shape of the workpiece, and
if it's acceptable, click [Add].