
MIDI Implementation
012b: Ring Modulator
This is an e ect that applies amplitude modulation (AM) to the input signal,
producing bell-like sounds. You can also change the modulation frequency in
response to changes in the volume of the sound sent into the e ect.
No Parameter Value Description
1 Frequency #1 0–127 0–127
Adjusts the frequency at
which modulation is applied.
2 Sens 0–127 0–127
Adjusts the amount of
frequency modulation
3 Polarity 0–1 Up, Down
Determines whether the
frequency modulation moves
towards higher frequencies
(Up) or lower frequencies
4 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB
Gain of the low frequency
5 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB
Gain of the high frequency
6 Balance #2 0–100
Volume balance between the
direct sound (D) and the e ect
sound (W)
7 Level 0–127 0–127 Output level
0125: Tremolo
Cyclically modulates the volume to add tremolo e ect to the sound.
No Parameter Value Description
1 Mod Wave 0–4
Tri, Sqr, Sin,
Saw1, Saw2
Modulation Wave
Tri: Triangle wave
Sqr: Square wave
Sin: Sine wave
Saw1/2: Sawtooth wave
2 Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
3 Rate #1 1–127 0.05-10.00 Hz Frequency of the change (Hz)
4 Rate 0–21 note
Frequency of the change
5 Depth #2 0–127 0–127
Depth to which the e ect is
6 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
7 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
8 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
0126: Auto Pan
Cyclically modulates the stereo location of the sound.
No Parameter Value Description
1 Mod Wave 0–4
Tri, Sqr, Sin,
Saw1, Saw2
Modulation Wave
Tri: triangle wave
Sqr: square wave
Sin: sine wave
Saw1/2: sawtooth wave
2 Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,”
the e ect is synchronized
with the tempo.
3 Rate #1 1–127 0.05–10.00 Hz
Frequency of the change
4 Rate 0–21 note
Frequency of the change
5 Depth #2 0–127 0–127
Depth to which the e ect
is applied
6 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the low range
7 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB Gain of the high range
8 Level 0–127 0–127 Output Level
012c: Slicer
By applying successive cuts to the sound, this e ect turns a conventional sound into
a sound that appears to be played as a backing phrase. This is especially e ective
when applied to sustain-type sounds.
No Parameter Value Description
1 Rate Mode 0–1 Hz, note
When this is set to “note,” the
e ect is synchronized with the
2 Rate 1–127 0.05-10.00 Hz
Rate at which the 16-step
sequence will cycle (Hz)
3 Rate #1 12–21 note
Rate at which the 16-step
sequence will cycle (note)
4 Attack 0–127 0–127
Speed at which the level
changes between steps
Input Sync
0–1 O , On
Speci es whether an input
note will cause the sequence
to resume from the  rst step
of the sequence (ON) or not
Input Sync
0–127 0–27
Volume at which an input
note will be detected
7 Mode 0–1 Legato, Slash
Sets the manner in which the
volume changes as one step
progresses to the next.
Legato: The change in volume
from one step’s level to the
next remains unaltered. If the
level of a following step is the
same as the one preceding it,
there is no change in volume.
Slash: The level is momentarily
set to 0 before progressing to
the level of the next step. This
change in volume occurs even
if the level of the following
step is the same as the preced-
ing step.
8 Shu e #2 0–127 0–127
Timing of volume changes for
even-numbered steps (step 2,
step 4, step 6...).
The higher the value, the later
the beat progresses.
9 Level 0–127 0–127 Output level
0130: Compressor
Flattens out high levels and boosts low levels, smoothing out  uctuations in volume.
No Parameter Value Description
1 Attack #2 0–127 0–127
Sets the speed at which
compression starts
2 Threshold #1 0–127 0–127
Adjusts the volume at which
compression begins
3 Post Gain 0–18 0–+18 dB Adjusts the output gain.
4 Low Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB
Gain of the low frequency
5 High Gain 0–30 -15–+15 dB
Gain of the high frequency
6 Level 0–127 0–127 Output level