
Memorize radio playlist (iTunes only)
This option is for an iTunes server and allows you to create a playlist of up to 18 Internet radio
stations and then memorize this radio playlist directly into your SoundBridge Radio. See the
Internet Radio chapter for more information.
Clock Settings
When in standby mode, SoundBridge Radio can display the date and time, similar to the screen
1:17:49 PM
You can customize the clock display in a number of ways:
1. When in Standby mode, use the
Left/Right arrows to adjust the brightness of the clock
display. (This will not affect the brightness settings of the display when in regular playback
mode.) Turn the brightness all the way down until you see the word “Standby” to have the
screen go completely blank when in Standby. If the screen is blank, pressing the Select
[ ] key will momentarily display the time and date.
2. When in Standby mode, use the
Up/Down arrows to cycle through modes of display.
For example, you can display large and small fonts, display the time but not the date, etc.
(Again, these settings will not be applied to your display when you resume SoundBridge
Radio’s regular playback mode.)
3. Use the SoundBridge Radio web page to configure the format of the date and time. You can
also turn off the clock display altogether. Please see the “SoundBridge Radio Web Interface”
chapter of this user guide for instructions on launching your SoundBridge Radio web page.
After your web page is launched, click on the Configuration tab. Scroll down on the page until
you see a screen that looks similar to the next diagram.
Section 11: Advanced Features Section 11: Advanced Features