Chapter 1 Introducing Re:control M207
y Basic Information Layout
After pressing the icon, you can get
the basic information as follow:
n Date information (P.52)
o Time information (P.52)
p Buzzer information (P.52)
q Batteries power indicator ( P.52)
r Program version
s Pre-programmed code version
y Timer Macro Layout
After pressing the icon, you can get
the Timer Macro layout as follow:
n Tap the Timer Macro key
directly to start the macro function.
o If the Macro has been set, the
symbol will been shown next to the
Macro key. (P.45)
p If the Timer has been set, the
symbol will been shown next to the
Macro key. (P45)
q Page indicator. It means that
there are totally 8 pages in Timer
Macro function and you are in the first
page. There are totally 32 Timer
Macros for your use.( P.45)