Option 3: STERRAD 100S Sterilization Process
1 Disassemble the mask.
2 Clean the individual parts of the mask with a soft bristle brush for one
minute while soaking them in detergent (eg, Alconox). Pay particular
attention to all crevices and cavities.
3 Rinse the components twice by agitating them vigorously in drinking quality
water and allow them to air dry out of direct sunlight.
ResMed has tested the detergent Alconox (diluted at 1%).
Sterilize the sterilizable mask components as described in the manufacturer’s
instructions for the STERRAD 100S Sterilization System.
Testing by ResMed has shown that the mask components can withstand
15 cycles of the STERRAD 100S Sterilization System.
Inspection after Disinfection/Sterilization
Perform a visual inspection of each mask component. If any visible
deterioration of a mask component is apparent (cracking, crazing, tears etc),
the mask component should be discarded and replaced. Slight discoloration of
the silicone components may occur and is acceptable.
Note: If a healthcare facility requires an additional disinfection or sterilization
process after reassembly, the number of validated cycles is halved.
Parts not Validated for Multipatient Use
Some parts of the masks have not been validated for multipatient use. These
parts need to be replaced with new parts when using between patients.
Please check the Components Card on the website www.resmed.com for a list
of available replacement parts for each mask system.
608133r1.book Page 4 Thursday, April 20, 2006 2:53 PM