Fig. 1
Loss Prevention Certification Board
(LPCB) Installation Requirements of
Preaction systems Include:
1. Solenoid valves shall be installed in parallel.
2. Solenoid valves shall function in pneumatic condi
tions only, and be protected by a strainer.
3. LPCB Certified detectors compatible with the control
and indicating equipment shall be used.
4. Suitable electrical detection, control and indicating
equipment and pneumatic systems shall be used.
The control and indicating equipment shall be LPCB
approved / certificated.
5. Connecting cables shall comply with BS 6387:1983,
classification C, W, Z evidenced by LPCB certifica
6. Pre-action systems shall be electrically monitored to
demonstrate that they are in a ‘ready to operate’
state at all times.
7. Clear dry air shall be used. Compressor tank must
have provision for draining.
8. Pre-action system equipment shall be installed, oper
ated and maintained as prescribed in the firm’s instal
lation , operating and maintenance manual.
9. Pre-action systems shall be configured in accordance
with the manufacturer’s defined specifications.
10.Pre-action systems shall comply with the details spec
ified inthe related LPC Technical Bulletin(Ref. TB21).
11.The firm responsible for the complete pre-action sta
tion, including electrics, shall be identified.
12.Normally un-energized solenoids may be used, pro
vided that they are continuously monitored for ‘open’
and ‘short circuit.’