30 Chapter 1
Getting Started
Creating Personalized Playlists
To create a playlist, you can drag and drop files from your Music Library or you can open
an existing playlist.
1. To manually add tracks to the playlist, double click on the track or drag and drop the
track from the Music Library into the playlist display (the song automatically starts
playing if no other song is playing). To preview a track before adding it to the
playlist, click to the left of the desired track in the Music Library window.
Note: Click to select a song, Shift and click to select groups of songs, or Ctrl and click
to select multiple songs.
2. Click OPEN to open an existing playlist, browse
for tracks from a specific group, or play an
audio CD.
• To clear an entire playlist from the playlist
window, click CLEAR.
• To save your current playlist, click SAVE.
When the window appears, enter a playlist
name and click Save.
• To remove a single track from the playlist,
click on the track to highlight it, and then
press DELETE on your computer’s keyboard.
• Click PLAY to play the songs from the
playlist. You can also double click the song
in the playlist to begin playing.