2 ST6001+ Smartpilot Controller Operating Guide
SmartPilot Functions
The functions provided with your SmartPilot system depend on whether the
SmartPilot computer contains an internal GyroPlus yaw sensor
Extended systems
You can connect the SmartPilot controller to other Raymarine SeaTalk
equipment so it can send and receive SeaTalk data:
• it can use waypoint information from a SeaTalk navigation instrument to
provide track control
• it can use boat speed from a SeaTalk speed instrument to optimize track-
keeping performance
• it can use wind information from a SeaTalk wind instrument for Wind
Vane steering
You can also use the SmartPilot with any navigator or wind instrument that
transmits National Marine Electronics Association (NMEA) 0183 data.
The SmartPilot control unit can display SeaTalk and NMEA instrument data
in a user-defined selection of data pages.
For further information on other connections to your system see SmartPilot
Commissioning Guide
S1G, S2G and S3G systems
(with GyroPlus)
Non-G systems
(without GyroPlus)
Internal GyroPlus yaw sensor provides
enhanced course keeping using AST
(Advanced Steering Technology)
Full basic functionality: uses Raymarine
steering algorithm without AST
Steering to true and apparent wind in
Wind Vane mode
Steering to true and apparent wind in
Wind Vane mode
Equipped with AutoLearn, Raymarine’s
self-learning calibration system