State Control
Channel: 17
Vessels: State and local government
Use: Coordination, regulation and
control of boating activities and the
rendering of assistance to vessels.
Between: Ship and coast stations
associated with state and local
Channel: 15
Vessels: Any (receive only)
Use: Broadcast of information concerning
the environmental conditions in which
vessels operate - weather, sea conditions,
time signals, notices to mariner, hazards
to navigation
Between: One-way broadcast from coast
to ship stations
Note: Currently used for Class C EPIRB
emergency signals.
Channels: WX1, WX2, WX3
Vessels: Any
Use: Continuous weather information
from NOAA (National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration)
Between: One-way broadcast from
NOAA to any interested parties
Comments: Receive only. You are not
allowed to transmit on these frequencies