78 Ray54E VHF Radio
➤ To enter or view the ATIS ID number:
1. From the DSC SETUP menu item described on page 71, rotate the CH knob
until the arrow points to MY ATIS ID.
2. Press the CH knob to accept. If an existing ATIS ID is stored, the values
appear. If the ATIS ID is blank, dashes appear, except for the initial ‘9’.
3. Rotate the CH knob or use the microphone UP/ DOWN keys to scroll
through the digits for entry into the ATIS ID field. The final available char-
acter is an arrow, which serves as a backspace. The initial character posi-
tion is indicated by a blinking underline.
When the desired character appears, press and release the CH knob or the
microphone HI/LO key to accept it. The next position now has the blink-
ing underline, indicating it is ready to be selected.
Continue in this manner until all nine digits have been selected.
You can also press the microphone UP/ DOWN keys to select each char-
acter and then press the microphone HI/LO key to accept.