4-42 Operation with Full Function Handset
4.7.3 DSC Operation
DSC operation includes the manual entry of latitude/longitude, listing of
other ship’s MMSI numbers for ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore
communications, and listing of Group MMSI number.
To initiate the DSC operation:
1. Press the FUNC key followed by the MENU key to initiate the Menu
2. Select DSC and press the ENT key. The 7-segment display shows
dSC and the dot matrix display shows L/L ENT.
The DSC Main Menu is made up of NATURE, L/L ENT, PHNBOOK,
and GROUP submenus.
3. Press the SQ UP/DOWN key until the desired operation is
NATURE Select type of Distress Call
L/L ENT Manual entry of latitude/longitude
PHNBOOK Listing of Other Ship’s MMSI number for Ind. Calls
GROUP Listing of Group MMSI number
4. Press the ENT key to submit.