2.4 Cable Requirements
This section provides details on selecting the appropriate cables for your system.
Permissible cable lengths depend on the scanner type and the boat’s power
system. Information on inter-unit and power cables is provided for both radome
and open array scanners in the following sections.
You need to consider the following before installing the cables:
• You need to connect the scanner to the display unit and to power. The cable
required depends on the display unit and the scanner type as described below.
• All cables should be adequately clamped and protected from physical dam-
age and exposure to heat - avoid running cables through bilges or doorways,
or close to moving or hot objects.
• Acute bends must be avoided.
• Where a cable passes through an exposed bulkhead or deckhead, a water-
tight gland or
swan neck
tube should be used.
• Avoid cutting and re-joining cables (if necessary, refer to the notes below).
Scanner Cables
The cable used to connect your scanner to the display unit and power depends on
the type of scanner and display as follows:
• A radome scanner connected to a Pathfinder or C-Series display requires an
inter-unit cable. The scanner receives power via the display unit, the power
cable is supplied with the display unit but cable details are provided in this
• An open array scanner connected to a Pathfinder display requires an inter-unit
cable. The scanner receives power via the display unit, the power cable is sup-
plied with the display unit but cable details are provided in this section.
• An open array scanner cannot be powered from a C-Series Display; it requires
a split pedestal cable which combines the inter-unit and power cores.
• If you are connecting a C-series display to an existing open array scanner unit
with a standard inter-unit cable, you can use the adapator cable instead of the
split pedestal cable; connect the adaptor between the inter-unit cable and the
These cables are illustrated in the following diagram. Cable lengths and part
numbers are listed in
Unpacking and inspecting the components
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