Appendix G: Glossary of terms
Abbreviation Meaning Definition
Active route The route on a chart which is being used for navigation.
Awa Apparent wind angle The angle of wind as measured by your boat’s instruments.
When the boat is stationary, Awa is equal to True wind angle (Twa). When the boat moves, Awa
is always less than Twa.
Awa is measured in degrees.
Aws Apparent wind speed The speed of wind as measured by your boat’s instruments.
When sailing upwind, Aws is always greater then True wind speed (Tws). When sailing down-
wind, Aws is always less than Tws.
Aws is measured in knots.
COG Course over ground Your direction of movement relative to a ground position.
CTS Course to steer The heading you need to maintain in order to reach your destination
Tab Rudder tab An adjustable section of the rudder that allows the rudder to be corrected for lee or weather
helm as appropriate.
Adjustment is measured in degrees.
Twa True wind angle The angle between True wind direction (Twd) and the centerline of your boat.
Twa is measured in degrees.
200 RayTech RNS V6.0 - Users Guide
Twd True wind direction The magnetic direction that the wind is coming from, calculated to appear as though measured
from a stationary boat.
Twd is measured in degrees.
Vmg Velocity made good The boat’s speed towards or away from the Twd, used to measure performance relative to
upwind/downwind targets.
Abbreviation Meaning Definition