Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings 79
7 Adjusting Autopilot Settings
7.2 Display Calibration
Display Calibration allows you to select the type of bar graph and
heading shown on the ST7001+ display, and control the information
shown on the data pages.
Display Calibration screens
Display bar selection
This screen allows you to select the type of bar graph shown at the
bottom of the ST7001+ display.
Heading selection
This screen allows you to display any heading as either a magnetic or
true value. During normal autopilot operation the screen will indicate
MAG for magnetic headings and TRUE for true headings.
RUDD BAR Rudder position bar
This is the default setting. It uses the bar graph to show the
true rudder angle. Requires rudder position sensor for
accurate rudder information.
Steer/error bar
This setting uses the bar graph to indicate different
information in different operating modes:
• Standby: rudder position bar
• Auto: heading error bar (in 2° increments)
• Track: cross track error (XTE) bar (in 0.02 nm increments)
• Wind Vane: wind angle error bar (in 2° increments)
No bar displayed.
HDG MAG Magnetic heading.
HDG TRUE True heading.