Chapter 7: Adjusting Autopilot Settings 93
7 Adjusting Autopilot Settings
Response level
This screen determines the default response setting. This screen also
appears in User Calibration – see page 85 for full details (or refer to
the Appendix for Type 100/300 autopilots).
Turn rate limit
Note: Not available if vessel type = SAIL BOAT.
This limits your boat’s rate of turn under autopilot control.
Off course warning angle
This screen determines the angle used by the OFF COURSE warning
(see page 10). The
OFF COURSE warning operates if the pilot strays off
course by more than the specified angle for more than 20 seconds.
AutoRelease (I/O drives only)
Note: Only available if vessel type = STERNDRV.
If the vessel type is set to
STERN DRV (I/O or stern drive), you will see
the AutoRelease screen
(AUTO RELSE) set to ON as a default.
Screen text Range
TURN RATE 1° to 30° per second in 1° steps
Screen text Range
OFFCOURSE 15° to 40° in 1° steps
Locked heading
Boat heading
15˚ minimum