Appendix B: SeaTalk and NMEA Data B-1
Appendix B:SeaTalk and NMEA Data
The following table defines the data received on the NMEA/SeaTalk ports. Data sources
are listed in order of priority unless otherwise indicated.
Data Received Source
Vessel Position (LAT/LON) SeaTalk, GGA, RMC, RMA, GLL
Speed and Course Over Ground SeaTalk, RMC, RMA, VTG
Waypoint Identifier SeaTalk, RMB, APB, BWC, BWR
Bearing to Waypoint SeaTalk, RMB, BWC, BWR
Distance to Waypoint SeaTalk, RMB, BWC, BWR
Cross Track Error (XTE) SeaTalk, RMB, XTE, APB
Depth SeaTalk, DPT, DBT
Apparent Wind Angle and Speed SeaTalk, MWV (relative)
Boat Speed Through Water SeaTalk, VHW
Total Log and Trip Log SeaTalk*, VLW
Water Temperature SeaTalk, MTW
Heading SeaTalk, HDG, HDM, HDT, VHW
Locked Heading SeaTalk only (Autopilot / Steering Compass)
Magnetic Variation SeaTalk, RMC, RMA, HDG
Time (No priority) SeaTalk, ZDA, GGA, RMC, GLL, BWC, BWR
Date SeaTalk, ZDA, RMC
MOB data SeaTalk only
Autopilot Status (Standby / Auto / Vane / Track) SeaTalk only
Cursor Range and Bearing (from Radar) SeaTalk, RSD
Global Alarms - Watch alarm, Wind alarm, Autopi-
lot alarms, Radar alarms, Depth alarms.
Waypoint arrival
SeaTalk Only
SeaTalk, RMB, APB
Waypoint/Route Transfer SeaTalk, WPL, RTE
Other Data: Datum (SeaTalk, DTM); Satellite Data (SeaTalk, GGA); GPS Data (SeaTalk, GGA); DGPS Data
(SeaTalk, MSS, GGA); WAAS Data (SeaTalk)
* Bridged to SeaTalk (not displayed)
Note:If Magnetic Heading is not available, the True Heading and Variation (if available) are used to gener-
ate the magnetic heading.
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