Channel Association for Multiple Video
“Multiple Video” (or called Port-Following Switch) enables up to four user stations to
simultaneously receive the video output of a server that has multiple video ports.
In order to perform this function, the administrator must configure channel port association
Paragon Manager. See Paragon Manager User Guide for more information. This user guide is
located on the “User Manuals & Quick Setup Guides” CD, or you can visit Raritan’s Product
Documentation Web page: http://www.raritan.com/support/productdocumentation
Note: Depending on your purpose, the associated channels can also be connected to different
servers and output the video data accordingly.
The association setup can only be done by those listed below, but any normal user can perform
the Multiple Video function once the association setup is finished.
• Administrator
• Users with administrative privileges
For more information on this operation, see Concurrent Multiple Video Outputs in Chapter 3.
Channel Association Guidelines
This section describes the general concept for associating channels.
• This function applies to both Paragon II Main Switching and Stacking Units.
• Channel ports of the same association group are all on the same Paragon II Main Unit
with or without any Stacking Units connected).
• Set the channel intended to activate other channels as the “first” channel in the association.
• Association of two or four channel ports is permitted for most Paragon II models except
P2-UMT242, that comes with two user ports only.
• The sequence of associated channels can be random.
• Each channel port belongs to one association group only.
• Only channel ports connected to servers are available for association.
• Up to 256 association groups are allowed per Paragon II system.
The Multiple Video function is not applicable to those channels which share only one path via the
tiered device, such as P2ZCIM, P2CIM-APS2-B or P2CIM-AUSB-B (for IBM BladeCenter