User's Guide Destinator 31
Search for a Location
Figure 33 - Travel to Multiple Routes
The Show Map screen provides you with the following route types: Quick and Short. You can select Short
(the default value) to calculate a route with the shorter physical distance between your current location and
the selected designation. When you tap the GO button, Destinator automatically calculates the faster
Defining Route Groups
A Route Group represents a group of stops.
From the Multistop Planner screen, select the Actions button and tap Add Group. From the Add Group
screen, enter the Group name and save. The Actions screen also lets you edit or delete a selected group.
Figure 34 - Defining the Route Group
Setting Stops Along the Route
You can set up stops by selecting the Route Group and tapping the Next button. From the Stops screen,
tap the Actions button to add, rename, or delete a destination.
Add a stop by Address, POI, My Favourites, or Recent Locations. Select one of these options, and specify a
location. The selected location appears in the Stops screen.
Figure 35 - Specifying a Stop
When in the Stops screen, you can use the following commands:
Use the Up or Down buttons to change the order of your itinerary.
Shows the stop destination on the map and lets you select a route type, Quick or
Short. Tap GO to calculate the stop destination.
Select the Show button to view the selected stop destination on the map.