1. In p ause mode , press CUE button to me morize a point fo r playing ba ck. We mean it “cue po int”.
2. After “c ue po int” is memorized , in play mode, press ing CUE button will re turn the music ba ck to the cue p oint
and keep it in pa use mo de.
3. Pre ss PL AY button a gain to perform from “cue po int”.
1. Set “A POINT” under play mod e by pre ssing A b utto n (without interruption during p layb ack ).
2. Pre ss B/LOOP to me morize the end ing point of lo op, we mea n it “B POINT”. At the me antime, it blinks LO OP
on the LCD , and the music automatically co mes ba ck to “A P OIN T” and loop s between A & B points.
3. While the music loop s between A & B, p res s to lea ve the loop . At the meantime, it lig hts LOOP o n
the LCD .
4. Pre ss RE LOOP ag ain during playba ck, it re turns the loop functio n.
5. Within play inte rval, you ca n chang e “A POINT” & “B P OIN T” by press ing A & B/L OOP button unde r play m ode.
6. Also availa ble to cha nge “start p oint” by p re ssing A b utton in pause mod e during loop function.