Measure: initiate a series of noise power measurements.
Monitor: start a series of recordings, perhaps to monitor a calling frequency or to copy two
other stations engaged in a QSO.
Play: play most recently decoded file through sound card speaker output. This button
functions much like the “Play” button on a cassette recorder.
QRN: adjust to higher values (default=5) to suppress false decodings caused by
atmospheric noise.
Record: start recording audio noise from radio. The program will record for the time
entered in T/R Period, or until you press Stop. If Auto is ON, recording will stop when the
present T/R interval is finished; the data will then be plotted and decoded. This control
works much like the “Record” button on a cassette recorder.
S: set minimum increase in signal that will be accepted as a ping.
Save Last: save most recently recorded file. (See also Save Decoded and Save all, on the
Save menu).
Sh: set minimum strength in dB of an acceptable FSK441 shorthand message.
Sh Msg: enable transmission of FSK441 shorthand messages R26, R27, RRR, and 73.
Stop: terminate a Record, Monitor, or Play operation. This control functions much like
the “Stop” button on a cassette recorder.
Sync: set synchronizing threshold (default=1) for the JT65 decoder.
Tol: set decoder tolerance (in Hz) to frequency offsets. When DF has been established and
reduced to a small value by retuning the receiver, decrease the value of Tol to reduce the
probability of false decodings.
Tune A, B, C, D: generate steady tones at one of the four standard FSK441 frequencies
882, 1323, 1764, or 2205 Hz.
Tx 1–6: transmit selected message. Transmission will continue until the end of the present
TX sequence or, if Auto is OFF, for the duration listed in the T/R Period box.
TX First: check this box if you want to transmit during the first period of the timed T/R
cycle. Uncheck it if your QSO partner is transmitting in the first period. In this context,
“first” is defined as transmitting during the first T/R interval of an hour.
TX Stop: terminate a transmission in progress.
W: set the minimum width of pings considered for automatic decoding.
Zap: filter out birdies (narrowband signals of approximately constant amplitude) before
attempting to decode.
Main Screen Text Boxes
Average Text: displays average messages in JT65 mode.
Decoded Text: displays decoded messages and other signal information.
Dither (Hz): sets maximum random offset applied to transmitted tones in Echo mode.