
The following guidelines will help you to plan yourex-
ercise program. Remember--these are general guide-
lines only. For more detailed exercise information, ob-
tain a reputable book or consult your physician.
Whether your goal isto bum fat or to strengthen your
cardiovascular system, the key to achieving the
desired results is to exercise with the proper intensity.
The proper intensity level can be found by using your
heart rate as a guide. The chart below shows recom-
mended heart rates for fat buming and aerobic exercise,
Age 20 30 40 50 60 70 80
To findthe proper heart rate for you, first find your age
near the bottom of the chart (ages are rounded offto
the nearest ten years). Next, find the three numbers
above yourage. The three numbers define your "train-
ing zone." The lower two numbers are recommended
heart rates for fat burning; the highernumber isthe
recommended heart rate for aerobic exercise.
To measure your heart rate during exercise, use the
pulse sensor on the console, if your heart rate is too
high or too low, adjust the speed and incline of the
Fat Burning
To burn fat effectively, you must exercise at a relatively
low intensity level for a sustained period of time,
During the first few minutes of exercise, your body
uses easily accessible carbohydrate caloriesfor en-
ergy. Onlyafterthe firstfew minutesdoes yourbody
begin to use storedfat ca/odesfor energy, ffyour goal is
to bum fat,adjustthe speed and inclineofthe treadmill
untilyourheart rateisnear thelowestnumberinyour
trainingzone. It may alsobe helpfultouse one of the
console'sFAT BURN programs(seepages 10 and 11).
For maximum fat buming, adjustthe speed and incline
of the treadmill until your heart rate is near the middle
number in your training zone.
Aerobic Exercise
Ifyour goal isto strengthenyourcardiovascularsys-
tem, your exercise must be "aerobic." Aerobic exercise
isactivitythat requireslargeamountsof oxygen for
prolonged pedods of time. This increasesthe demand
on the heart to pump bloodto the muscles,and on the
lungsto oxygenate the blood. Foraerobic exercise,
adjust the speed and inclineof the treadmilluntilyour
heart rate is near the highestnumber in yourtraining
zone. It may also be helpfulto use one of the console's
AEROBIC programs (see pages 10 and 11).
Each workout should include the following three parts:
A Warm-up---Start each workoutwith 5 to 10 minutes
of stretchingand lightexercise.A properwarm-up in-
creases your bodytemperature, heart rateand circula-
tion in preparationfor exercise.
Training Zone Exercis_After warming up, increase
the intensityof your exemise untilyour pulse isin your
training zone for 20 to 60 minutes.(During thefirst few
weeks of yourexercise program,do not keep your
pulse inyour trainingzone forlongerthan 20 minutes.)
Breathe regularlyand deeplyas youexercise--never
holdyour breath.
A Cool-down---Finish each workoutwith 5 to 10 min-
utes of stretchingto cooldown.This willincrease the
flexibility of yourmuscles and willhelp preventpost-ex-
ercise problems.
Exercise Frequency
To maintain or improve yourcondition,complete three
workoutseach week, with at least one day of rest be-
tween workouts.After a few months, you may com-
plete up tofive workoutseach week if desired. The key
to success isto make exercisea regularand enjoyable
part of youreveryday life.