Unplug :i
aloft switch to
hen tile treadmill is not in
use. (Sea the draw ng on page 5 for the oea-
tion of the on/off switch.)
I0. When connecting the power cord (see page 8),
plug the power cord into a surge suppressor 18 Do not attempt to raise, lower, or move the
(not included) and plug the sui'ge suppressor treadmill unt t s proper y assembled (See
into a gr0unded c_rcuit capable of car:rying 15 ASSEMBLY on page 6, and HOW TO FoLD
or more amps. No other appliance should be AND MOVE THE TREADMILL on page 19.) You
on the salne'circuit. Donot use _n e>(tensi0n must be able to safely lift 4S pounds (20 kg) in
cord.: order to ra se,, ower, Or move the treadmill.
11.Useonlyasnge-outetsurgesuppressorthat 19 Do not change the nc neofthetreadm by
is UL 14_19listed as a transient Voffage surge plac ng objects under the treadmill.
suppressor (TVSS),The surge s(ippresso_ ...... : • " • • .
wearing only stockings, or in sandals.