
Kiosk Mode will allow you to increase the capacity of your
Disc Publisher from 25 to 50 (Disc Publisher Pro from 50 to
100) discs by dispensing finished discs out the front of the
unit instead of dropping them to the output bin. This
allows you to place blank discs in both the input and out-
put bins doubling your capacity. An optional Kiosk Kit is
available from your Primera reseller that contains a custom
output bin to catch the finished discs as they leave the Disc
Set Print on disc before recording/ Record disc before
printing. Record disc before printing is recommended for
most jobs to avoid printing on discs that do not burn prop-
erly. Print Before Recording is used for jobs involving
Hockey Rink or Business Card shaped CD-Rs where it is
important to print before recording for proper card align-
If using Kiosk Mode, choose whether or not to Print
"Reject" on Bad Discs in Kiosk Mode. When enabled, this
will cause a disc that has failed to verify to be printed with
the word REJECT prior to being ejected from the publisher
to make it easier for bad discs to be identified in the output
stack when using the Kiosk Mode. If this option is not
enabled, bad discs will be ejected with no printing at all.
Stop Job after Number of Writes Fail allows you to decide
how many consecutive failures the Publisher will accept
prior to canceling a job.
Test write sets the burn laser to read intensity and simu-
lates a burn but leaves the discs blank.
Write speed controls the speed of the write. Lower the
speed if you are having recording problems.
Check Open Next Session if you are burning data to a disc
and you would like to append more data to the disc at a
later time.
Check Verify After Writing if you would like Discribe to
compare each burned disc against the source for accuracy.
This is useful for installation discs where it is extremely
important that every bit of data be accurate. This is not as
necessary for video or audio discs where a missing bit of
data may never be noticeable by human eyes or ears.
Checking this option will double the total record time of
the project.
Creating Discs on a Mac 39