Technical Specifications
Display Screen 7” TFT LCD
File Format *.jpg ,*.bmp
Expansion Slot SD/MMC/MS/xD Cards (up to 8GB capacity supported)
Internal Memory 128MB NAND Flash
USB Interface High Speed USB2.0
OSD Languages English, Russian, Polish, Serbian, Czech, Bulgarian,
Croatian, Romanian, Latvian, Slovenian, Slovak, Estonian
Compatible OS Windows 2000 / Windows XP / Windows VISTA
Weight 528 ± 5g
Dimensions (L X W X H) 209mm X 141mm X 24.5mm
Power Source Input: AC 100V-240V
Output: DC 5V, 2A
Technical Support and Warranty Information
Please refer to www.prestigio.com for technical support and included warranty card for
warranty information.
We make every effort to ensure that the information and procedures in this user manual are
accurate and complete. No liability can and will be accepted for any erros or omissions.
Prestigio reserves the right to make any changes without further notice to any products