S Disconnect the spark plug before perform-
ing maintenance except carburetor adjust-
S Look for and replace damaged or loose
parts before each use. Look for and repair
fuelleaks beforeuse. Keepin goodworking
S Replace trimmer head parts that are
chipped, cracked, broken, or damaged in
any other way before using the unit.
S Maintain unit according to recommended
procedures. Keep cutting line at proper
S Use only 0.080″ (2 mm) di ameter Poulan
PRO brand line. Never use wire, rope, string,
S Install requiredshield pr op erly beforeusing
the u nit. Use only specified trimmer head;
make sure it is properly installed and se-
curely fastened.
S Make sure unit is assembled correctly as
shown in this manual.
S Make carburetor adjustments with lower
end supported to prevent linefromcontact-
ing any object.
S Keepothers away when makingcarburetor
S Use only recommended Poula n PRO ac-
cessories and replacement parts.
S Have all maintenance and service not ex-
plained in this m anual performed by an au-
thorized service dealer.
S Mix and pour fuel outdoors.
S Keep away from sparks or flames.
S Use a container approved for fuel.
S Do not smoke orallow smoking nearfuel o r
the u nit.
S Avoid spilling fuel or oil. Wipe up all fuel
S Move at least 10 feet (3 meters) away from
fueling site before starting engine.
S Stop engine and allow to cool before re-
moving fuel cap.
S Always store gasoline in a container ap-
proved for flammable liquids.
S Allow enginetocool before storing ortrans-
porting in vehicle.
S Empty the fueltank before storing or trans-
porting theunit. Useupfuel leftinthecarbu-
retor by starting the engine andletting itrun
until it stops.
S Store unit and fuel in area where fuel vapors
cannot reach sparks or open flames from wa-
ter h eaters, el ectric motors or switches, fur-
naces, etc.
S Store unit so line limiter blade cannot acci-
dentally cause injury. The unit can be hung
by the shaft.
S Store unit out of reach of children.
SAFETY NOTICE: E xposure to vibrations
through prolonged use of gasoline powered
hand tools could cause bloodvessel ornerve
damage in the fingers, hands, and joints of
people prone to circulation disorders or ab -
normal swellings. Prolonged use in cold
weatherhas beenlinked tobloodvesseldam-
age inotherwise healthypeople. Ifsymptoms
occur such as numbness, pain, loss of
strength, change in skin color or texture, or
loss of feeling in the fingers, hands, or joints,
discontinue theuse ofthis toolandseek med-
ical attention. An anti--vibration system does
not guarantee the avoidance of these prob-
lems. Users who operate power tools on a
continual and regular basis must monitor
closely theirphysical conditionand thecondi-
tion of this tool.
SPECIAL NOTICE: This unit is equipped
with a temperature limiting muffler and spark
arresting screen which meets the require-
ments ofCalifornia Codes 4442and4443. All
U.S. forest land and the states of California,
Idaho, Maine, Minnesota, New Jersey, Ore-
gon, and Washington require by law that
many internal combustion engines be
equippedwithaspark arrestingscreen. Ifyou
ist, youare legallyresponsible formaintaining
the oper atingcondition oftheseparts. Failure
to do so is a violation of the law. For normal
homeowner use,themufflerand sparkarrest-
ing screen will not require any service. After
50 hours of use, we recommend that your
muffler be serviced or replaced by an a utho-
rized service dealer.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
trimmed before each use. Remove objects
(rocks, broken glass, nails, wire, etc.) which
can bethrown byor becomeentangledinline.
Hard objects can damage the trimmer head
and be thrown causing serious injury.
S Use only for trimm ing, scalping, m owing and
sweeping. Do not use for edging, pruning or
hedge trimming.
S Cut from your right to your left. Cutting on
left side of theshield will throw debris away
from the operator.
WARNING: For each optional at-
tachment used, read entire instruction m anu-
al before use and follow all warnings and in-
structions in manual and on attachment.
WARNING: Ensure handlebar is
installed when using edger or brushcutter at-
tachments. Attachhandlebar abovearrow on
safety label onthe upper shaft (engine end of
unit). If your edger or brushcutter attachment
does notinclude ahandlebar,a handlebarac-
cessory kit (#530071451) is available from
your authorized service dealer.