WARNING: Be sure to read the
electrical safety informationin thesafety
rules section of this manual before you
begin.Ifyou donotunderstandtheelec-
use your unit. Seek help from someone
that does understand the information or
callthe customer assistancehelp lineat
Thebarand chainrequir elubr i cati on. The
chain o i ler provid es lubr icat ion t o the
oiltank bef ore each cutti ng session .Lack
of o il will qui ckly r uin the ba r a nd chain .
Too little oil will cause overhea ting sho wn
by smoke coming f rom the chain and/ or
discolorat i on of the bar. For maximum
guide bar and chain life, we recommend
you use Poulan or Poulan PRO chain
saw baroil.IfPoulan orPoulan PRO bar
oil is not available, you may u se a good
grade SAE 30 oi l unti l you are able to ob-
tain Poulan orPoulan PRObrand.Usea
funnel t o f i l l the tank. Replace oi l cap se-
curely. Check oil level after every 15 min-
utes of operat i on.
Ensurechain b rakeisdisengaged bypull-
ing t he f r ont hand guar d back towar d the
fr onthandle as faras possibl e. The chain
brake must be disengaged befor e cutting
with the sa w .
S Release the trigger switch.
S If motor does not stop, disconnect the
extension cord. Discontinue use of
theunitun tilithasbeenrepairedbyan
authorized service dealer.
1. Connec t the saw to a power source
2. Grip both ha ndles firmly.
3. Push and hold the trigger lo ck--out
button with your right hand thumb.
4. Squeeze andho ldthe triggerswitch.
WARNING: If the brake band is
wor n too thi n itmay br e akwhen th echain
brake is triggere d. With a bro ken brake
band, the chain brake w i ll not stop the
chain. The chain brake must be r eplaced
if any par t i s wor n t o less than 0. 020″ (0.5
mm) thick. Repair s on a chain brake
should be made by your aut hori zed ser-
vice dealer. Take your unit t o the place of
purchaseorto thenearestauthorizedser-
vice dealer.
S This saw is equipped with a chain
brake.Thebrake isdesigned to s t opthe
chain if kickback occu r s .
S The i nertia--act ivat ed chain brake i s ac-
ti va ted i fthe f ront hand guard i s pu she d
forwar d, either manually (by hand) or
automati call y ( by sudden movement).
S If t he brake i s already acti vated,it i s d i s-
eng aged by pullingthefronthand guard
back t oward the f r ont handle as far as
possib le.
S When cu tt ing wit h the saw , the chain
brake must be di sengaged.
Braking function control
CAUTIO N: The chain brake must b e
checked several times dai l y. The motor
must be r unning when perform i ng this
pr oced ure. Thisis theonlyinst an cewhen
the saw s houl d be placed on the gr ound
wit h t he mot or running.
Place the saw on firm ground. Gri p the
rearhandle with yourrighthand and the
front hand le with your left hand.
Squeeze trigger switch and allow motor
to reach full speed. Activate the chain
brake by turni ng your l eftwrist againstthe
hand guard wi thout releasi ng your gr i p
around t hefronthandle. Thechainshould
stop im mediat el y.
Iner t i a activati ng function control
WARNING: When performing the
following procedure,the motor mustnot
be running and the saw must be un-
plugged from the power source.
and the front handle with yourlefthand.
Holdthechain s awapproximatel y14″ (35
cm) above a stump or other wooden sur-
face. Rel ease your grip on the front han-
dleand us etheweightofthe sawto letthe
ti poftheguide barfallforwardand cont act
the s t ump. When t hetip o fthe barhitsthe
stu mp , the brake shou l d activate.