S Toavoidspreading fire, donot use nearleaf
or brush fires, fireplaces, barbecue pits,
ashtrays, etc.
DANGER: Blade can thrust violently
away from material it does not cut. Blade
thrust can cause amputation of arms or legs.
WARNING: Do not use trimmerhead
as a fastening device for the blade.
WARNING: The blade continues to
spin after the trigger is released or engine is
turned off. The coasting blade can throw ob-
jects or seriously cut you if accidentally
touched. Stop the blade by contacting the
right hand side ofthe coasting blade with ma-
terial already cu t.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cut before each use. Remove objects ( rocks,
broken glass, nails, wire, et c.) which can be
thrown or become entangled in the blade or
trimmer line.
S Throw away and replace blades that are
bent, w arped,cracked, broken ordamaged
in any other w ay.
S Install requiredshieldproperly before using
the unit. Use the metal shield for all metal
blade use.
WARNING: Only usebrushcutter at-
tachments that provide a metal shield with
proboscis nose.
S Use onlyspecifiedblade andmakesureitis
properly installed and securely fast ened.
S Cut from your left t o your right. Cutting on
the right side of the shield will throw debris
away from the operator.
S Always use the handlebar and a properly
adjusted s houlderstrapwithblade (seeAS-
SEMBL Yinstructions inbrushcut terattach-
ment instruction manual).
WARNING: Rotat ing t ines can cause
serious injury . Keep away from rotating tines.
Stop the engine and disconnect the spark plug
before unclogg ing tines or making repairs.
WARNING: Inspect the area to be
cultivatedbefore starting theunit. Removeall
debris and hard and shar p objects such as
rocks, vines, branches, r ope, string, etc.
S A void heavy contact with solid objects that
might stop the tines. If heavy cont act oc-
curs, stop the engine and inspect the unit
for damage.
S Never operatethecultivatorwithout thetine
cove r in place and pr operly secured.
S Keep the tines and guard clear of debris.
S After striking a foreign object, stop t h e en-
gine, disconnect thespar k plugand inspect
the cultivator f ordamage. Repairbeforere-
S Disconnect attachment fr o m the drive en-
gine before cleaning the tines with a hose
and wa ter to remove any build--up. Oil the
tines to prevent rust.
S Always wear gloves when servicing or
cleaning the tines. The tines become very
sharp from use .
S Do not run unit at high speed unless culti-
HANDS A WAY F ROM BL ADE -- Bl a d e mo ve s
mome ntarily a fter t he tri g ger i s rel eased or en-
gine isturned off. Donot atte mpt tocle arawa y
cut materia l when the blade is in motion. Make
sure engine is t urned of f, the spark pl ug wire i s
disconnected, and the b lade has stopped m ov-
ing before r emoving j ammed material fr om the
cutt ing blade. Do not grab or hold th e u nit by t he
cutt ing blade.