
Administrator’s Guide SoundPoint IP / SoundStation IP
A - 102
device.syslog.facility 0 to 23 A description of what generated the log message.
For more information, refer to section 4.1.1 of RFC
The default value is 16, which maps to “local 0”.
device.syslog.renderLevel 1 to 6 Specifies the lowest class of event that will be
rendered to syslog. It is based on
and can be a lower value.
Refer to Basic Logging <level/><change/> and
<render/> on page A-71.
device.syslog.prependMac Enabled, Disabled If enabled, the phone’s MAC address is prepended
to the log message sent to the syslog server.
device.em.power Enabled, Disabled, Null Refer to the EM Power parameter in Main Menu on
page 3-6.
device.net.etherVlanFilter Enabled, Disabled Refer to the VLAN Filtering parameter in Ethernet
Menu on page 3-11.
device.net.etherStormFilter Enabled, Disabled Refer to the Storm Filtering parameter in Ethernet
Menu on page 3-11.
Name Possible Values Description