2. Select the sport for the training session by browsing with UP/DOWN
The sport profile shown first on the list is the sport previously used in a
training session.
To change sport profile settings or heart rate settings before the
training recording is started (in pre-training mode), press and hold
LIGHT to enter QUICK MENU. For more information, see Quick menu
(page 34).
3. When you are ready to start the training session, press OK. Recording
started is displayed and you can start training.
4. During training recording you can change the training view by
browsing with UP/DOWN. To change settings without stopping the
training recording, press and hold LIGHT to enter QUICK MENU. For
more information, see Quick menu (page 34).
*Optional sensors include Polar s3+ stride sensor, Polar G3/G5 GPS sensor, Polar CS speed sensor
W.I.N.D. or Polar CS cadence sensor W.I.N.D.
Change sport during training session
If your training session includes different types of sports, you can change the sport without stopping the
training recording.
1. Press BACK once, Recording paused is displayed.
2. Change the sport by scrolling with UP/DOWN buttons and select the desired sport. Press OK to continue
the training recording.
You can view four lines of training information simultaneously. Press UP/DOWN to view the different
For more information on modifying training views, see Sport Profile Settings (page 27).
Train With Polar ZoneOptimizer
The ZoneOptimizer function determines your personal, optimized sport zones (heart rate zones) for your
aerobic training session. It takes your present physical condition and mental state into account when
determining the heart rate zones for the present training session. You will know what the right level to
train on that particular day is, and can avoid over/under training. For more information, see Polar
ZoneOptimizer (page 44).
To use the ZoneOptimizer function in your training, set in on by selecting MENU > Settings > Heart rate
settings > ZoneOptimizer > On .
ZoneOptimizer function will define the optimized target heart rate zones for you in the beginning of every
training session. If there is less than an hour since your last ZoneOptimizer definition, the given target
heart rate zones are not necessarily valid, because you may have not recovered from previous training, and
during instant recovery, heart rate variability returns to normal state slower than heart rate.
Start Training Session with Polar ZoneOptimizer
Before ZoneOptimizer determination, make sure that you have the Polar default sport zone heart rate
14 Training