Chapter 5
Telnet Console
Basic Structure
User may use telnet command to access and manage IP phone.
IP PHONE adopts tree structure for telnet. Every node contains its sub-nodes or local command. User
can type “help” or “?” whenever to see sub-nodes and all local command under current node.
Besides local command, there are some global commands can be used in each node.
Basic command
Logout: exit telnet mode.
Write: save current settings.
Type sub-nodes name in current node to switch to sub-node.
Type “!” or “exit” in current node to return to parent-node.
Type “help” or “?” can see all sub-nodes and all local command under current node,
every help item has comments such as <command> or <node> to distinguish
sub-nodes and local command. Type “help” or “?” in command can see all parameters
using in this command.
When typing node name or command, user no need to key the full name, use TAB
button will make it more efficient.
There are two types in command parameters: optional and required. “required”
parameter use “-” as prefix and “optional” use “_” as prefix. User may type “-” or “_”
then press TAB button for complementarily.