Advanced Settings
This page defines the advanced functions. When you finished the setting, please click the Submit
ICMP Not Echo: This function can disable echo when someone ping this device, it can avoid haker try
to attack the device.
Send Anonymous CID: If enable this function, machine will to start the calling hidden function, and it
will not send the related Caller information. (The Registration Server also need
support this function)
Billing Signal: There are provide three type billing types: Polarity Reversal, Tone_12K and Tone_16K.
(The Registration Server also need support this function)
CPC Delay: When receive the disconnect signal, machine will to cut the voltage down to 0V after this
CPC Duration: When starting to cut the voltage down to 0V, machine will to continue this state by this
Send Flash event: There are provide two flash formats: DTMF Event and SIP Info.
SIP Encrypt: There are provide seven encrypt formats: INFINET, AVS, WALKERSUN1,
WALKERSUN2, CSF1, CSF2 and GX. (The Registration Server also need support this
PPPoE retry period: If PPPoE dial-up connection fail, machine will retry the dial-up motion after this
System Log Server: Machine could send the system logs to the specific Syslog Server. It can input the
IP or Domain address.
System Log Type: There are seven Syslog types: Call Statistics, General Debug, Call Statistics +