2. RS-485: Connect to a local keyboard controller.
DI/DO: Connect to sensor in and alarm out devices.
Cable for I/O connectors:
Name Cable Color Function
DC 12V Brown/White DC 12V (50mA maximum)
GND Blue/White GND
D+ Purple/White RS485 data +
D- Gray RS485 data -
DI Green/White Digital signal input
DO Orange/White Digital signal output
3. Video out (BNC Connector)
The Network Camera also provides composite video output. User can
use BNC video cable to connect the Network Camera with a TV monitor
or VCR.
4. Reset Button
This button is used to restore the all factory default settings.
Sometimes restarting the device will make the system back to a normal
state. However, if the system still got problems after restart, user can
restore the factory default settings and install it again.
Restore the device:
a. Press the button down continuously.
b. Hold the button at least 5 seconds and release it. Then the device
has been restored to default settings and reboot again.