2What’s New?
This section lists the most important new features and improvements to the monitor and its user
interface introduced with each release. Further information is provided in other sections of this book.
You may not have all of these features, depending on the monitor configuration purchased by your
What’s New in Release D.0?
M1014A Spirometry Module
The spirometry module produces a real time wave for flow, volume and pressure of respiratory gases
together with numerics for analysis of ventilatory mechanics. It is designed to be used in combination
with Philips-branded airway flow sensors and combined CO
/airway flow sensors.
M3014A Capnography Extension
The M3014A Capnography Extension offers an additional measurement method - sidestream CO
with the M2741A sensor.
M8016A D80 Intelligent Display
The D80 Intelligent Display can be used as a third main display with the MP90 monitor. You then
have three displays able to be configured individually and to be operated independently.
IntelliVue 802.11 Bedside Adapter
The 802.11 Bedside Adapter is a wireless ethernet adapter which can be built in to the patient monitor
(option J35). It provides wireless connectivity to standard IEEE 802.11a/b/g wireless networks.
Improved Multiple Display Support
• Wide and Tall screen layouts are supported which allow screen content to be spread over two screens
next to each other (wide acreen) or one above the other (tall screen).
• An additional main display used for a surgeon can be configured not to show alarm information.
The permanent keys and SmartKeys can also be configured not to display.
• Input devices can be assigned to an operator, independent of physical connector location.
New SmartKeys
For the new spirometry module there is a SmartKey to provide direct access to the spirometry data
window. For microstream and sidestream CO
, sampling can now be suppressed directly with the
SmartKey CO2 Pump Off.