Overview of Recording Types 24 Recording
To quickstart a delayed recording,
♦ Select the SmartKey Delayed Record to immediately start a delayed recording.
♦ You can also start a delayed recording by pressing the RUN/CONT key on the recorder module.
Extending Recordings
Timed (non-continuous) recordings stop when their runtime is over. Continuous recordings continue
until stopped manually or by an INOP condition.
♦ To extend an ongoing recording by its runtime, reselect its Start pop-up key once.
♦ To make an ongoing recording continuous, reselect its Start pop-up key twice within 5 seconds.
♦ You can also make an ongoing recording continuous by pressing the RUN/CONT key on the
recorder module.
Stopping Recordings
Recordings stop automatically when the preset runtime is over, when the recorder runs out of paper, or
when the recorder has an INOP condition.
♦ To manually stop a recording, select the Recordings SmartKey and then select the pop-up key
Stop all Recordng.
♦ You can also stop a recording by pressing the STOP key on the recorder module.
Recording Without a Template
To record without a preconfigured template, selecting the waves you require,
1 Select the Recordings SmartKey.
2 Select the pop-up key Select Waves and use the pop-up keys to choose up to three
measurement waves to be printed on the recording. If you want fewer than three waves on the
recording, select the waves you want then select the Continue pop-up key.
3 Select one of the recording speed pop-up keys to set the required recording speed.
4 Select the Start pop-up key to start the recording.
Select Waves recordings use default values for any recorder settings not defined: runtime is
continuous, overlapping is set to non-overlapping.
Overview of Recording Types
This table details settings for local recordings, using either the integrated recorder or the M1116B. For
details on recordings made on the central recorder, see your Information Center Instructions for Use.