19 Monitoring BIS Changing the BIS Smoothing Rate
Changing the BIS Smoothing Rate
The smoothing rate defines how the monitor averages the BIS value.
♦ To change the smoothing rate, in the Setup BIS menu, select BIS Smoothing Rate then
choose either:
– 15 seconds: this provides increased responsiveness to changes in the patient’s state.
– 30 seconds: this provides a smoother BIS trend with decreased variability and sensitivity to
Switching BIS and Individual Numerics On and Off
To switch the BIS measurement on or off:
♦ In the Setup BIS menu, select BIS to toggle between On and Off.
To switch individual numerics provided by the BIS Module on or off:
♦ In the Setup BIS menu, select SQI, TP, SEF, SR, EMG, or BURSTS to toggle between On and
Changing the Scale of the EEG Wave
Changing the scale only changes the visual appearance of the wave. It does not affect the signal
analyzed by the monitor or printed in reports or recordings.
The scale information shown depends on whether gridlines are switched on or off for display. This
setting can only be changed in Configuration Mode.
1 In the Setup BIS menu, select Change Scale to call up a list of wave scales.
2 Select the required scale from this list.
• When gridlines are switched off, you can choose from the available scale values: 50
µV, 100 µV,
µV, and 500 µV. Scaling information is displayed as a vertical bar on the EEG wave together
with its height equivalent in
• When gridlines are switched on, scales are defined as a range, either
± 25 µV, ± 50 µV, ± 100 µV,
± 250 µV. Scaling information is shown in the form of gridlines.
Switching BIS Filters On or Off
The low and high pass filters screen out undesirable interference from the raw EEG wave display. The
notch filter removes line frequency interference. Filter settings affect the EEG wave and the SEF and
TP values, but they do not affect the BIS, EMG, SR, and SQI values.
The filter settings are set in Configuration Mode. You can switch all the filters on or off together in
Monitoring Mode.
1 In the Setup BIS menu, select Filters.
2 Select On/Off to toggle between all filters On or Off.