Hardware Specifications
12-2 Specifications
Hardware Specifications
Safety Standards
Parameter Specification
Size (excluding handle)
Width 13.50 in (34.3 cm)
Height 10.25 in (26.0 cm)
Depth 7.50 in (19.0 cm)
Weight (excluding accessories, options, cables) 14.0 lb (6.3 kg)
Display (cold cathode fluorescent backlit)
Screen Type TFT (color)
Active Screen Size 8.3 x 6.2 in (210.8 x 157.5 mm): 10.4
in (264.2 mm) diagonally
Resolution 640 x 480 pixels
Type Thermal
Weight 0.9 lb (.41 kg)
Paper Width 50 mm
Speeds 12.5, 25, and 50 mm/s
Parameter Specification
United States Federal Law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a physician.
CE Marking: Medical Device Directive, 93/42/EEC
IEC 60601-1, UL 2601, Can/CSA C22.2 601.1-M-90
Protection Class Class I, internally and externally
powered equipment, per IEC 60601-1,
clause 2.2.4
Degree of Protection Type CF, IPXI: per IEC 60601-1
Mode of Operation Continuous