Reverse sewing direction (only on the PFAFF 487), 489
As long as the reverse sewing key is pressed, the machine sews in reverse. For the pro- ●
gramming and learning functions, the relevant seam section is programmed "in reverse".
Bartack suppression
If the bartack function is activated, by pressing this key once the next bartack and by ●
pressing it twice the next two bartacks are not sewn.
Correction value + / correction value -
If this key is pressed, the fullness value is increased or reduced in ● 2 steps. Fullness va-
lue 0 is not corrected. To make this possible, a correction value different to 0 must be
entered in parameter 209.
Number keys 0 - 14
The previously allocated amount of fullness is called up by pressing a key. ●
When two neighbouring number keys are pressed simultaneously, the corresponding
average value is selected.
In the manual sewing mode, the fullness can be allocated to the individual keys. The ●
current fullness value (which can be set on the touch-screen) is allocated to a key if it is
pressed for a long time (>3s). A bleep signalizes that the value has been saved.
Following values are pre-set and can be altered as described above.
Key 0: No fullness will be applied.
Key 14: Maximum fullness is selected.
The fullness values are designed for a basic stitch length of 2.5 mm. When se-
wing with shorter stitch lengths, the gathering intensity is increased, with lon-
ger stitch lengths it is reduced accordingly.