creative 2.0
Two builT-in spool pins. For twin needle sewing or specialty sewing.
basTing in The hoop.
Baste fabric to a stabilizer that is already hooped. Also great for knit fabrics
or other fabrics that you do not wish to hoop.
hoop posiTions.
Easily positions the hoop to change the bobbin, trim around an appliqué or to go
to the center of the design.
1 embroiDery fonT incluDeD.
Upper case, lower case plus numbers and symbols to personalize
any embroidery project.
Design placemenT.
Moves the embroidery design in four directions and rotate it in 90 degree steps.
Design scaling. You can increase or decrease the design up to 20% from the original size.
orbiT To check posiTion.
Checks the exact position of the embroidery design on the fabric in the
hoop. Helpful when placing several designs next to one another.
move Through The enTire Design.
No matter where your creative
2.0 is in the embroidery,
you can always step stitch-by-stitch or between the color blocks, forward or backward, to embroider
only part of the design.
mulTi-coloreD or monochrome embroiDeries.
The choice is yours! Set your creative
for monochrome mode to sew the complete design in one color without color stops.
Dual lighTs.
Optimized bright lights illuminate your entire sewing area without shadows.
illuminaTeD graphic Display.
The graphic display shows the stitch in actual size and all important
information. It also shows the monochrome picture of embroidery design.
exTernal feeD Dog Drop.
Convenient location to lower the feed dogs from the front of the
machine. Ideal for stippling, free-motion embroidery or darning.
elecTronic ThreaD Tension.
Needle thread tension is set electronically for different stitches and
embroideries – makes sewing simple.
easy-access sTiTch selecTion.
Quick and easy stitch and embroidery design selection using the
Direct Selection Buttons.
Top anD bobbin ThreaD sensor.
Alerts you when your bobbin or needle thread is running low.
speeD ranges.
Adjust your sewing speed for specialty threads, techniques or personal taste.
sTiTch resTarT.
Instantly returns to the beginning of your selected stitch, sequence or embroidery design.
mirror image.
Flip the stitch or embroider design side-to-side and/or end-to-end for even more
creative possibilities.
elecTronic neeDle piercing power.
Full piercing power at any speed with total control.
Choose from 14 different languages in the Settings menu.