Peterbilt Motors Company vi
A number of alerting messages are shown in this book. Please read and follow them. They are there for your protection
and information. These alerting messages can help you avoid injury to yourself or others and help prevent costly damage
to the vehicle.
Key symbols and “signal words” are used to indicate what kind of message is going to follow. Pay special attention to
comments prefaced by “WARNING”, “CAUTION”, and “NOTE.” Please don't ignore any of these alerts.
When you see this word and symbol, the message that follows is especially vital. It signals a potentially
hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury. This message will tell you what
the hazard is, what can happen if you don’t heed the warning, and how to avoid it.
WARNING! Be sure to use a circuit breaker designed to meet liftgate amperage requirements. An incorrectly
specified circuit breaker could result in an electrical overload or fire situation. Follow the liftgate installation
instructions and use a circuit breaker with the recommended capacity.
Signals a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury or
damage to the vehicle.
CAUTION: Never use a torch to make a hole in the rail. Use the appropriate drill bit.
Provides general information: for example, the note could warn you on how to avoid damaging your vehicle or
how to drive the vehicle more efficiently.
NOTE: Be sure to provide maintenance access to the battery box and fuel tank fill neck.
Please take the time to read these messages when you see them, and remember:
WARNING Indicates a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in death or serious injury.
CAUTION Signals a potentially hazardous situation which, if not avoided, could result in minor or moderate injury or
damage to the vehicle.
NOTE Useful information that is related to the topic being discussed.