
Reproduced for Historical & Reference purposes by Paul M. Provencher -
How to hold your camera
In horizontal position
A. Hold the camera firmly
with your left hand, and
draw your arm close to
your body.
In vertical position B.
Hold your camera tightly to
your forehead with your left
hand, and drawn your right
arm close to your body.
In vertical position C.
Hold your camera tightly to
your forehead with your left
hand, raise your right arm
and draw your left arm to
your body.
As a general rule, your camera should be held more firmly by the left hand which does not
release the shutter. If you hold your camera with the right hand - the hand which releases the
shutter - it may cause camera movement. Very often, pictures which are not sharp are due to
movement of the camera. When you focus with the camera held horizontally (Position A), hold
the lens barrel as illustrated. Cradle the camera with your left hand thumb and little finger.
Turn the distance scale ring with your thumb and index finger. When holding the camera
vertically, some people release the shutter with the thumb (Position B), while others release it
with the index finger (Position C). Position C is more desirable for fast focusing and shooting.
With the Asahi Pentax, whether held vertically or horizontally, you see your subject image
through the taking lens, enabling you to compose, focus and shoot with a minimum of time and