The ASA film speed rating of all 35mm films is given in the data sheet packed
with each roll of film. The higher the ASA number, the more sensitive the film
is to light. Lift the outer ring of the shutter speed dial and rotate it until the ASA
number of your film is opposite the orange dot alongside the figure 1. Be sure to
set your film speed on the shutter speed dial because the dial is connected to the
exposure meter.
While viewing through the viewfinder, turn the focusing ring until your subject comes
into sharp focus. Depending on the type of focusing screen you have, there are two ways
of doing this.
A cross-microprism focusing system consists of a Fresnel lens, made up of many
concentric rings, with a microprism center underneath the ground glass. With this system,
when your subject is in focus, the image in the microprism center will be sharp. If your
subject is not in focus, the microprism will break the image up into many small dots.
4www.butkus.or g
A split-image focusing system consists of a Fresnel lens with a horizontally divided
screen under the ground glass. With this system, when your camera is held horizontally
and the image is not in sharp focus, all vertical lines seen through the viewfinder will
appear to be divided into upper and lower portions. To focus, simply adjust the focusing
ring until the upper and lower portions are in perfect alignment.
Turn the shutter speed dial clockwise or counter-clockwise to
the shutter speed desired. The shutter speed can be set either
before or after cocking the rapid-wind lever. As you cock the
shutter by turning the rapid-wind lever, the "cocked" indicator
turns to red showing that the shutter is cocked. For use of the
X setting (next to the 60) on the shutter speed dial, refer to
page 19. With the shutter speed dial set on B (bulb), the
shutter will stay open as long as you keep the shutter button
depressed. As you release your finger from the shutter button,
the shutter closes. For particularly long exposures ("time
exposure"). use a cable release with a locking device.