Press halfway
(shutter release button) ..... 76
Product registration ......... 262
Program Mode ................... 85
Protect Z ...................... 180
Provided software ............ 258
PTP ................................. 264
Rec. Mode Menu ....... 69, 291
Recorded Pixels ...... 125, 152
Recording movies ............ 150
Red-eye Compensation ... 203
Red-eye reduction
cd (Flash) ..................... 117
Regarding Waterproof,
Dustproof, and Shockproof
Design ................................. 8
Remote Control Unit ........ 106
Report ................................ 80
Reset ............................... 255
Resetting settings ............ 255
Resize ............................. 188
Retro filter ........................ 192
Rotating ........................... 172
Saturation ........................ 144
Saving as still picture
(movie) ............................ 212
Saving pictures by date ... 242
Saving settings ................ 158
SD Memory Card ............... 45
Select Time ..................... 239
Self-portrait Assist ............. 83
Self-timer g .................... 103
Sensitivity ........................ 131
Setting Menu ............. 71, 293
Shadow Correction .......... 134
Sharpness ....................... 143
Shooting information ..........25
Shooting Mode ...................78
Shutter release button
...............................60, 62, 76
Slideshow ........................169
Small Face Filter ..............190
Smile Capture ....................81
Soft filter ...........................192
Sound settings .................231
Sound types .....................231
Specifications ...................298
Sport Mode ........................97
Standard = ...................119
Starburst filter ..................192
Starting-up in the Playback
Mode ..................................50
Start-up screen ................254
Strap ..................................36
Surf & Snow Mode .............97
System requirements .......259
Taking pictures underwater
Text Mode ..........................98
Text Size ..........................240
Title picture of movie ........214
Tone Adjustment ..............144
Toy camera filter ..............192
Underwater Mode ............148
Underwater Movie Mode
USB Connection ..............263
Video output format
.................................244, 296
Voice Memo .....................226
Voice Recording ..............222