Blue Sky d .................... 75, 76
Body mount cover .................. 47
Bracketing shooting ............... 85
Bright (Custom Image) ......... 140
Bright areas ......................... 133
Bright/Dark Area warning
............................. 156, 190, 191
Brightness adjustment ......... 133
Built-in flash ........................... 59
Bulb shooting ......................... 83
Button Customization ........... 147
Calendar Filmstrip Display ... 159
Camera shake ............. 100, 114
Candlelight U ........................ 77
Capture mode ........................ 74
Card access lamp .................. 17
CD-ROM .............................. 211
Center-weighted metering ..... 88
Charging the battery .............. 39
City ....................................... 189
Cleaning the sensor ............. 237
Cloudy (White Balance) ....... 130
CMOS sensor ........................ 17
Color (Digital Filter) ...... 144, 167
Color Space ......................... 129
Compression ratio ................ 129
Computer ............................. 207
Connection cable cover ......... 17
Continuous playback ........... 160
Continuous Shooting ........... 106
Contrast (Custom Image) .... 141
Control panel ................... 24, 32
Copyright Holder .................. 202
Correcting distortion ............. 138
Creating New Folders .......... 201
Cropping images .................. 166
Cross Processing (Custom
Image) .................................. 140
f (White Balance) .......... 130
Custom Image ......................140
[A Custom Setting] menu
.......................................72, 231
Dark areas ............................134
Date Adjustment .....................52
Date change .........................187
Daylight (White Balance) ......130
DC coupler .............................43
Default settings .....................226
K/i (Delete) button ....21, 65
Deleting ..........................65, 163
Deleting a single image ..........65
Deleting all images ...............164
Depth of field ..........................99
Destination ...........................187
Detailed Information Display
Developing RAW images
.....................................174, 211
Digital Filter ..................144, 167
Direct keys ................31, 68, 226
Display language ............50, 190
Distortion ..............................138
DPOF ...................................204
D-Range Setting ...................134
Drive Mode .............................68
DST ................................51, 188
Dust Removal .......................237
Dynamic Range ....................133
E-dial ................................19, 21
E-dial in Program ..................150
Electronic Compass .............244
Enlarge Instant Review
...............................95, 157, 191
Error messages ....................245
EV Compensation ..................84
m/c (EV Compensation) button
...................................19, 21, 84