Baby Mode ........................ 69
Basic shooting mode ......... 62
Battery level indicator ........ 32
Best (Quality level) ............ 93
Better (Quality level) .......... 93
Blink Detection .......... 60, 101
Blue Sky Mode .................. 69
Bright ................................. 90
Bright portions ................... 98
Brightness filter ................ 142
Brightness of the Display
........................................ 176
Built-in memory ............... 156
Calendar display .............. 121
Capture Mode Palette ....... 70
Center-weighted metering M
.......................................... 95
Changing volume .... 119, 163
Checking the SD Memory
Card ................................... 37
City .................................. 210
Collage ............................ 145
Color Emphasis filter ....... 142
Color filter ........................ 142
Compensating for Brightness
.......................................... 98
Connecting to a TV .......... 134
Connecting to AV Equipment
........................................ 134
Contrast ........................... 103
Copy ................................ 156
Cropping .......................... 138
Dark portions ..................... 98
Date and time setting
.................................. 41, 164
Date Imprint ..................... 103
Daylight G ......................... 93
Daylight saving time .........167
Default settings ................205
Delete i ..................118, 129
Delete all ..........................131
Destination .......................166
Digital Filter ......................142
Digital Panorama Mode .....75
Digital SR Mode .................69
Digital Wide Mode ..............73
Digital Zoom .................64, 66
Diopter adjustment .............43
3 button ..................45, 48
Display language .......38, 169
Dividing movies ................154
DPOF settings .................159
D-Range Setting ................98
Drive Mode ........................84
DST ..................................167
e-dial ................45, 46, 67, 79
Editing movies .................153
Error messages ...............201
EV Compensation ..............66
4 button .........................45
Exposure Mode ............71, 79
Extract Color filter ............142
Eye-Fi ......................175, 194
Face Detection .................100
Face Detection function .....61
File Name ........................172
File number ......................117
Filters ...............................142
Fireworks Mode .................69
Fish-eye Filter ..................142
Flash Exposure
Compensation ....................98
Flash Mode ........................82
Flash Off a ........................82