
C1534M (1/06) 69
General Information
Name: Enter a VCR name (up to 64 characters). This name can contain letters, numbers, and symbols.
Location: Enter a short description of the VCR’s physical location (up to 255 characters).
Description: Enter any other relevant information, such as the serial number (up to 255 characters).
Make and Model
Manufacturer: Select Pelco.
Model: Select the appropriate VCR model.
Device Addressing
VCRs that are controlled serially through a VMX210 communication port must be addressed to ensure proper communication with the system.
Select Manual Addressing, and enter address “0” unless the VCR’s internal setting is different.
VMX210 uses digital input/output device types for handling inputs from alarm interface units or sending on/off signals to external relay devices.
General Information
Name: Enter a device name (up to 64 characters). This name can contain letters, numbers, and symbols.
Location: Enter a short description of the device’s physical location (up to 255 characters). This text is displayed in
the title bar of the video display window when the device is selected.
Description: Enter any other relevant information, such as the serial number (up to 255 characters).
Make and Model
Manufacturer: Select Pelco.
Model: Select the appropriate model number.
Dip Switch Settings
Set the DIP switch settings to match the settings on the front panel of the alarm or relay unit.
Point Configuration
You can configure the alarm input points or relay output points at this time, or you can configure them at a later time. Refer to Configure Input/
Output Points in the Additional Configuration section.