C1309M-A (9/08) 19
When the “Zoom 2x” check box is selected, you can move the zoomed array region within the full-array area; this digitally simulates panning and
tilting. Panning and tilting are defined as moving the camera image in the horizontal and vertical axes, respectively.
There are two methods to pan and tilt using the GUI: adjust the vertical and horizontal sliders to move the zoomed array region or enter absolute
offsets from the center to shift the zoomed array region.
When entering absolute offsets, the center of the image is defined as coordinate (0,0). The horizontal and vertical offsets you enter define the
center of the zoomed array region. For NTSC applications, enter a value from 0-80 for the horizontal coordinate and 0-60 for the vertical
coordinate; for PAL applications, enter a value from 0-80 for the horizontal coordinate and 0-64 for the vertical coordinate. Increasing the values
moves the displayed image up or to the right. Each integer value change offsets the zoomed array region either one row of pixels horizontally (tilt)
or one column of pixels vertically (pan).
Simple experimentation while viewing the displayed image will quickly give you familiarity with this feature.
There are three DDE settings available: Filter Gain, Filter Control, and Spatial Control.
Use the DDE settings to set the digital sharpness of the camera. Increasing the DDE settings can enhance image detail in some scenes; higher
DDE settings also increase image noise. Decreasing the DDE settings can soften image detail in some scenes, that is, lose some image detail;
however, lower DDE settings also decrease image noise. Select the settings that are best for the scene. General guidelines for high and low
dynamic range scenes are as follows:
Low Dynamic Range Scenes: Filter Gain should be set to 16, Filter Control should be set to 100 (default), and Spatial Control should be set
to 0 (zero).
High Dynamic Range Scenes: Filter Gain, Filter Control, and Spatial Control settings should remain at their factory defaults of 32, 100, and
15, respectively.