C611M-B (7/05) 59
The Active Recordings dialog box provides the following information for each programmed recording:
• Source—Displays a recording status icon and identifies the PelcoNet device that is the source of the recording:
– The recording status icon can be either of the following:
• Camera icon—Indicates that the recording is active; that is, the NVR300 is currently recording a stream generated by the
PelcoNet device.
• Clock icon—Indicates that the recording has been scheduled but is not currently active. When the recording becomes active,
the clock icon changes to a camera icon.
NOTE: If an X appears rather than a camera icon or clock icon, the NVR300 cannot record for that particular recording source. Refer to the
Troubleshooting section for information.
– The unit name of the PelcoNet device is displayed followed by the camera name. A slash separates the unit name from the camera
NOTE: If the PelcoNet device was not assigned a unit name, the IP address of the PelcoNet device is automatically displayed as the source
name. If the PelcoNet device was not assigned a camera name, a camera name is not displayed.
• Type of Recording—Displays the recording mode: continuous or event.
• Stream Type—Displays the video format of the recording: MPEG-2 or MPEG-4.
• Data Rate—Displays the data rate of the recording in megabits per second (Mbps).
• ADR-Technology—Displays whether Automatic Data Replenishment (ADR) is enabled or disabled for the recording. On denotes that ADR
is enabled. Off denotes that ADR is disabled.
In addition to the above, the NVR-Status page also provides the following general information:
• System Load—Displays the percentage of the load on the storage resources of the NVR300. The value is a measure of the amount of
write/read/delete operations that the hard disk drive system is performing. It is recommended that you keep the system load below 70%.
• Average Retention Time—Displays the average amount of time remaining before the NVR300 begins overwriting the oldest recordings.
• Remaining HDD Capacity—Displays the amount of free hard disk drive (HDD) storage space currently available on the NVR300. The
remaining HDD capacity is also graphically displayed as a horizontal bar. Green denotes free disk space; red denotes used disk space. The
free disk space is also displayed as a percentage of the total disk space.
NOTE: Once the remaining HDD capacity reaches 12.5%, the NVR300 begins overwriting recordings. The oldest recordings are overwritten first.
The remaining capacity fluctuates at a steady state mean value.
• Total HDD Size—Displays the total capacity of the hard disk drive used for storage by the NVR300.
• Current Data Rate—Displays the current total data rate of all recordings listed in the Active Recordings dialog box.
• Active MPEG-2 Recordings—Displays the total number of MPEG-2 recordings.
• Active MPEG-4 Recordings—Displays the total number of MPEG-4 recordings.
For each recording listed in the Active Recordings dialog box, you can display the setup parameters that were programmed for the recording.
To do so, double-click the desired recording in the Active Recordings dialog box. The Display Recording Setup dialog box appears, displaying the
programmed settings. Note the following:
• The Display Recording Setup dialog box allows you only to view the programmed settings—you cannot change the settings. All fields
appear gray.
• Clicking the Time button displays the Display Recording Time dialog box. You can view the recording schedule but you cannot change the
schedule. Click the OK button to close the Display Recording Time dialog box.