
C4655M (2/11) 15
The instant recording feature allows you to start a manual recording session immediately from the live view mode. You can also initiate the
instant recording mode for channels that are scheduled for normal, alarm, motion, or ATM/POS recording. Instant recording is the highest priority
recording event.
Observe the following instant recording conditions:
Instant (or normal) recording cannot start if the following conditions exist:
Video loss is displayed for the channel.
The Overwrite option is set to OFF and the hard disk normal partition storage space is full.
The normal record mode is not available. If the event partition is set to 100 percent, the normal record mode is disabled because hard
disk space for storing normal record video is not available.
Recording is affected by the available storage and settings for each partition (folder).
Normal partition: Video recorded in the instant and normal record mode is stored in the normal partition. If the normal folder is set
to 0 (zero) percent (the event partition is 100 percent), the HVR will not record video in the instant or normal record mode.
Event partition: Video recorded in the alarm and motion record mode is stored in the event partition. If the event partition is set to
0 (zero) percent, the HVR will not record video in the alarm or motion record mode.
NOTE: Use the mouse or front panel to start the instant recording mode. The remote control cannot be used to start instant record.
To start instant record, from the application window, click the camera’s recording indicator . The recording indicator immediately changes to
the Instant Record indicator.
To stop instant record, from the application window, click the Instant Record indicator . The recording indicator immediately changes to the
scheduled recording mode.
The unit supports two playback modes, instant playback and playback. Instant playback is initiated from the live view mode. The HVR
simultaneously plays back and records live video. Live quad view is not available during instant playback. Instant playback video is displayed in a
single pane. For information about the playback mode, refer to Playback on page 22.
The instant playback mode supports the following features:
Playback: Video is played back for one channel at a time.
Playback controls: All controls are available.
Timing: Playback begins two minutes prior to the time playback was initiated.