Pelco Manual C681M-D (2/02) 69
30F 15F 7.5F 5F
:Simultaneous backup is possible without audio
:Simultaneous backup is possible with audio
b. Use the JOG dial and SHUTTLE ring to set the month, date, year, hour, minute,
and second of the starting time.
c. Turn the JOG dial to move the cursor to the stop time.
d. Use the JOG dial and SHUTTLE ring to set the month, date, year, hour, minutes,
and second of the ending time.
If the copy range exceeds the amount of available storage space in the copy medium,
the recorder issues a size error warning during the copy operation. In this case, either
reset the copy range or replace the copy medium. Limits to the copy range can be
established by first selecting S/E to find the starting and ending times; then the manual
settings can be made.
13. Turn the JOG dial to move the cursor beside EXECUTE, and then turn the SHUTTLE
ring to the right. The option OFF starts flashing.
14. Turn the JOG dial to select ON.
15. Turn the SHUTTLE ring to the right to start copying.
Still-Frame Playback Copy Mode
DX3009 Models
By pressing the PAUSE button and, while the unit is in still-frame playback mode, setting
the Transfer Period to MAN in the Copy Selection menu, the unit copies 1 MB of data from
the time when the PAUSE button is pressed.
DX3016 Models
Press the PAUSE button, and then press the COPY button. One megabyte of data is cop-
ied from the time the PAUSE button is pressed.
Backups of previously recorded data can be made at the same time the DVR is recording
new data, but the following restrictions apply.
1. Cancelling copy operation
If you are doing a backup at the same time the DVR is recording and you want to stop
the backup operation, press the WARNING RESET button.
2. Selecting recording interval for simultaneous backup
The recording interval for simultaneous backup of recorded data is determined by the
data-writing speed of the connected device. For reference, the following chart provides
a list of interval modes that can be selected when the unit is used in conjunction with a
Hewlett-Packard C1556A drive (DDS3). (The same modes apply when the main hard
disk drive has been expanded.)