Pelco Manual C690M-E (11/04) 99
1. Click the Configuration button. Click File Utilities. The File Utilities screen appears.
2. Under the Hard Drive Utilities heading are options that let you manage the hard drive.
a. Checkmark the desired boxes. The boxes do the following:
• Erase All Recorded Images and Data
Use CAUTION—this deletes all video from the hard drives.
• Initialize General Configurations
Resets these settings to factory defaults.
• Initialize Data Configurations
Resets these settings to factory defaults.
• Initialize Passwords (auto restart)
Resets these settings to factory defaults.
• Initialize Network Configurations (auto restart)
Resets these settings to factory defaults.
• Perform Remote System Restart
This acts like a soft reboot in case you think the unit is not performing correctly;
for example, performing sluggishly.
b. Click Submit.